First off, we'll start off with the list:
HQ-Sorcerer, mark of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, Lightning claw, gift of mutation
ELITES-Helbrute, Twin Heavy Bolter, Power Fist, Twin Bolter
TROOPS-5 Thousand Sons (Force Axe, meltabombs)
TROOPS-5 Thousand Sons (force staff, meltabombs)
FAST-2 Chaos Spawn
Whilst the sons take out infantry, the dreadnought helps soak up return fire and can handle most unit types.
The spawn are there to soak up shots and act as bodyguards to weaken squads whilst the sorcerer handles any characters. Made from the now OOP Tomb Kings Ushabti, they form a great looking and thematic bodyguard unit. I have a third model to make, but I'll need to source another pair of arms.
This list does struggle against any flyers, so the next upgrade will be a form of AA or heavier weapons. It is also a very elite force, numbering only 14 models. Using such a small force should be interested for developing tactics and handling different opponents. I have plenty of cool models coming up for this army, so stay tuned for more.