Played in my second steamroller event this past weekend. It was 50 points and there was bonuses for being fully painted so I took my Convergence since it's painted and I still don't have all my trolls anyway. I also have no earthly clue how to play either troll list on the clock, gotta get more practice for that. It was a two list event and here's what I took:

Prime Axiom
Reflex Servitors
Optifex Directive

Pretty heavy list designed to break armor. I usually play it into other 'jack heavy lists.

My other list was:
Inverter x2
Max Reciprocators
Max Obstructors
Enigma Foundry x2
Optifex Directive
Reflex Servitors
Attunement Servitors

My main scenario list. Designed to run into zones, sit there and hold the rest of the game.

My first game was against the best player at the store. He was playing a skorne list with a mix of Nhilators and Immortals with Molik Kharn and another big non-elephant elephant. This was the three flags scenario so that took my synth list out of the running right there as he is terrible at that one. Played Lucant, and did reasonably well. He ended up winning on scenario because I was all jammed up in the middle and he was able to take the right side flag and I had nothing to challenge it with. Good game that probably wasn't as close as it felt for me.

Second game was against trolls. He was taking a pGrissel list with warders, champions, a blitzer, mauler, pyre and Impaler. Also he had the pig solo Maximus. Seeing as how it was likely to be an attrition game for both sides I picked Lucant again. Not a lot happened. I stuck into the zone, he stuck into the zone, neither one of us could clear the other and we ran down the round timer. It went to the third tiebreak before he was declared the winner.

We only played the two rounds due to there not being enough players. So, finished 0-2. I did however walk away with some store credit for being fully painted, so it wasn't a total loss.