+++ Imperial Fists 1.5k (1500) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++

+ HQ (230) +

Sigismund (230) [Master of the Legion] [Warlord]

Adamantium Will
Death's Champion
Dolorous Fighter
Eternal Warrior, Fearless
Independent Character
Legiones Astartes
Master of the Legion

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Iron Halo
The Black Sword:
Range:-|Strength:+2|AP:2|Type: Melee - Two-handed|

+ Troops (600) +

Legion Reconnaissance Squad (175)
4x Legion Space Marines
4x Sniper Rifle - Cameleoline
Legion Sergeant -Sniper Rifle

Legion Sergeant:
Unit Type:
Infantry (Character)

Legion Space Marine:
Unit Type:

Cameleoline: Confers Stealth

Templar Brethren (425)
8x Templar Brethren
8x Combat Shield - Legion Vexilla - Melta Bombs
Chapter Champion - Combat Shield - Master-crafted Solarite Power Gauntlet

Furious Charge
Legiones Astartes

Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour


Chapter Champion:
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Templar Brethren:
Unit Type: Infantry

Legion Rhino:
BS:4|Front:11|Side:11|Rear:10|HP:3|Type: Tank - Transport|

Legion Vexilla: A unit with a Legion Vexilla may re-roll failed Morale tests.

Solarite Power Gauntlet:
Range:-|Strength:x2|AP:1|Type: Melee - Master-crafted - Unwieldy|

+ Elites (280) +

Legion Terminator Squad (280)
Legion Terminator Sergeant - Chainfist - Vigil Pattern Storm Shield
4x Legion Terminators
Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon - Pair of Lightning Claws - Chainfist - 2x Power Fist - 2x Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

Implacable Advance
Legiones Astartes

Legion Terminator: Unit Type: Infantry

Legion Terminator Sergeant: Unit Type: Infantry (Character)

Vigil Pattern Storm Shield: Confers 3++ Invulnerable save.

Iliastus Assault Cannon:
Range:24"|Strength:6|AP:4| Type: Heavy 4 - Rending - Malfunction|

+ Heavy Support (390) +

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought Talon (390)

Crushing Charge
Move Through Cover
Reinforced Atomantic Shielding

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
Armoured Ceramite - Grav-Flux Bombard - hosphex Discharger

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod


Assault Vehicle
Burning Retros
Drop Pod Assault
Inertial Guidance System

Graviton Collapse
Severing Cut
Torsion Crusher

Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod:
BS:4|Front:12|Side:12|Rear:12|HP:3|Type: Open-topped - Transport (Special)|

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought:
WS:5|BS:5|S:8|Front:13|Side:13|Rear:12|I:4|A:4|HP:4|Type:Vehicle (Walker)|

Armoured Ceramite:
A vehicle with this wargear is not subject to the additional D6 armour penetration caused by weapons with the Melta special rule.

Grav-Flux Bombard:
Range:18"|Strength:*|AP:2| Type: Heavy 1 - Large Blast - Ignores Cover - Pinning -Graviton Collapse - Torsion Crusher

Leviathan Siege Claw:
Range:-|Strength:X2|AP:2|Type: Melee - Wrecker - Severing Cut

Phosphex Discharger:
Range:6" - 18"|Strength:5|AP:2|Type: Heavy 3 - One Use - Barrage - Blast - Poison (3+) - Crawling Fire - Lingering Death

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [VII: Imperial Fists]

++ Selection Rules ++

Acute Senses

Adamantium Will

Assault Vehicle

Burning Retros:
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pods have the Shrouded special rule on the game turn that they arrive (also applying to interceptor fire or similar effects). Upon landing, the doors open automatically, but the Dreadnought does not have to deploy. In this case, the Dreadnought benefits from the effects of Shrouded, as do any units whose line of sight passes through or over the Drop Pod on the game turn of its arrival.

Crushing Charge:
When charging, the model inflicts 2 Hammer of Wrath attacks and gains +1 Initiative in the Assault phase of any turn in which it has charged.

Death's Champion:
Sigismund and any unit he joins gain +1 initiative when they charge and may re-roll both charge distance and sweeping advance rolls. Additionally, allows Templar Brethren to be taken as troops.

Dolorous Fighter:
Must always issue/accept challenges when able - takes precedence over the usual rules for the Legion. When fighting in a challenge, Sigismund's attacks have the Instant Death special rule and successful invulnerable saves against his attacks must be re-rolled.

Drop Pod Assault

Eternal Warrior


Furious Charge

Graviton Collapse:
Instead of rolling To Wound normally with this weapon, any model caught in its blast must instead roll equal to or under their Strength on 2D6 or suffer a wound. Against targets with an Armour value, roll 3D6 for armour penetration instead. After the graviton pulse weapon has been fired, leave the Blast marker in place. This area now counts as both difficult terrain and dangerous terrain for the next turn thanks to the gravity flux.


Implacable Advance:
Unit is always counted as a scoring unit where Troops are also counted as scoring units.

Independent Character

Inertial Guidance System

Legiones Astartes:
Units with this special rules may always attempt to regroup regardless of casualties.
- Additional rules conferred by Legiones Astartes.

When rolling to hit, if three or more results of "1" are rolled, a malfunction has occured and the weapon may not be used for the rest of the game.

Master of the Legion

Move Through Cover


Reinforced Atomantic Shielding:
A Leviathan Dreadnought has a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, if the Leviathan suffers a Vehicle Explodes damage result, add +D3 Str and +D3" to the radius of the blast.

In the Shooting phase instead of firing a weapon, the Rhino may attempt to repair an Immobilised result on a D6 roll of a 6.


Severing Cut:
Each time a non-vehicle model suffers an unsaved wound from this weapon, roll a D6. On a 4+, the model suffers an extra D3 wounds which must be saved separately using the weapon’s profile (note that these wounds do not themselves generate more additional wounds).

Support Squad:
May not fill the compulsory Troops slots on a Force Organization chart.

Torsion Crusher:
When a target with an Armour value is struck by this weapon, the amount of Hull Point damage caused by the weapon is doubled.