Hi everyone!

Apologies for the delay in this video, I recently spent a week in Northern Ireland with the Beasts of War crew, filming loads of videos for Coll Mini or Not's game Dark Age (but more on that in a future post).

Anyway, progress has been made and once I have the torso painted (next week), I'll be in a really good spot (I hope). I should have those Fallout Hobbies stencils soon and then I can really get into the nitty gritty of the painting : )

It has been a while since he Titan has claimed any of my blood, but I figured I should show you these scratches, acquired while I was painting the legs. It turns out that the resin sandbags on the base have some sharp corners to them. Of course, two scratches means I wasn't too careful after the first time : )

Have a great weekend!
