Mr Ansell converses with Matthew Dunn, Stuart Klatcheff and Steve Casey at the Wargames Foundry, Newark.
Judging by the response to posts of this type, fans of Bryan Ansell and the Wargames Foundry are legion so I thought it prudent to take a snap or two of the treasures he brought out to share on Saturday's Lead of Winter event. 

This time it was shields. All manner of shields. 

There were all manner of different designs and other odds and ends on show. This beautifully made sun disk face caught my eye immediately. 

Gruesome faces dominate the the collection, but there were plenty of strange stick like figures spread across many of the greens. 

Some has also been painted, like this little trio or gorgeously finished shields. Incredible colours and attention to detail. 

All manner of strangeness here - I am pretty sure I have that multi-faced 'circle' off centre of this shot somewhere amongst the bits and pieces Kev Adams has given me. You can see the original green in the second picture of this blog post. 

Perfect for a magical summoning circle or something, don't you think?