Hey all,
It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? Like everyone on this planet, I am afflicted with a “life” which gets in the way of doing things on a social and personal level. However, having a life is good, especially a social one. It’s always good to get out into reality (the graphics are awesome but the game-play feels like it’s still in beta).
Since it’s been a while since I’ve “checked in” per se to the House, I’ll give you a brief rundown of The Warlock’s life (yes, he has one :P) in the past…er…undefined time period.
In the Merry Ol’ Land of Oz, I’ve gained bountiful employment, huzzah! After about 87 applications over the course of 5 months. It’s night/evening shifts with a 1-2am finish at a histo lab doing stuffs so it’s good in that I get sleep ins (sorta) and that it doesn’t really clash with uni which starts back on the 3rd- one subject, one day 8-1. Sleep, like sanity, isĀ for the weak.
Before I gained this, I went breachside and took up Malifaux (as previous posts show). It’s a great game and the Random Number god favours me in card form (save when I’m using an Arcanist crew with my Guild-themed fate deck, I’m not the brightest bulb). This and I’d heartily recommend it to anyone who likes horror, steampunk and the wild west- there’s something for everyone except maybe knights :S
Game nights were Wed nights or Sunday arvos, though with work being evenings only, I’m limited to 1 game a week, if I feel like gaming. Gotta get the motivation mojo happening.
Moving on, I’ve gotten to grips on my Ramos crew- Make scrap summon spiders, yeah groovy!
What’s that? You’re afraid of spiders? Well you can just…
The most recent game was Ramos vs Marcus, both Arcanist masters. Using the 2016 strats and schemes, we flipped Informant (rams) – you need to have 2 or more non-peons within 6″ of the informant marker to score VP and whoever has more non-peons within 6″ can move the informant up to 3″. Schemes were Hunting Partay (crows), Undercover entourage (partying hard on the inside, er ‘2’), Neutralize the leader (Chug! Chug! Chug! Chug! ‘3’) and Leave your mark (tomes)- I chose Neutralize the leader and undercover entourage.
My crew is pretty stock standard now, but when the Large arachnids are released later this year….
Anyhow, list:
Ramos, combat mechanic, arcing screen, arcane reservoir
Joss, bleeding edge tech, soul siphon (nominated for undrcover entourage)
2x gun smiths
Pain Train, the rail golem.
Steampunk arachnid #II
My opponents list was:
Marcus, Myranda, Jackalop, Rogue Necromancy, 1 shikome, a war wabbit and a waldgeist (forest-ghost!)
With a cache of 6 soulstones, I was banking on Joss killing his way across the board with a chop-chop here and a chop-chop there. As always, the first activations is “spider moves to edge of Joss’s charge range and either contemplates its death and how it will bring life. Marcus had his +3wk upgrade, which is a HUGE FUCKING DEAL when you need to be in range of something for VP purposes. Also threat range.
Ramos summoned 2 spiders (lacked a high tome card for the casting) and spiders #I and #V were born. Spider V wasn’t having any of this “I want to move the informant” from my opponent and used his 1 AP (as summoned things are slow, so they get 1AP instead of 2) to end in base contact with Marcus.
As things heated up and the rogue necromancy launched a poisonous breath attack at a gunsmith, the rail golem attempted to move up the board, using its burning+1 to use Locomotion and if not get in combat, get close to the informant. The Waldgeist germinated and tried to kill spider V, to no avail. The other gunsmith took a pot shot at the shikome and Myranda tried to attack Spider V. Spider V remained unscathed but became slightly miffed.
Turn one ended with not much happening. Turn two however, saw me out-activate my opponent as spiders III and VI joined the fray after spider II bit the dust unceremoniously. The war wabbit was getting closer to my back field, lining up a charge for turn three.
Spider V is a living legend. This is the take home message of this post: You don’t fuck with Spider V. He’ll survive anything and then come back for more. HE EATS PAIN LIKE YOU EAT CHEETOS. You will rue the day you cross Spider V! He’ll kill you so hard you’ll die to death. Spider VĀ attacked Marcus, Marcus attacked Spider V, the rogue necromancy attacked the gunsmith, the rail golem attacked the shikome, the other spiders did jack shit apart from trying to deny the Informant movement bonus. Myranda tried to heal Marcus, the Waldgeist stopped the rail golem from moving and Joss tried to kill stuff too. This turn was pretty much a melee as the informant watched on, feeling quite important all of a sudden.
The waldgeist was promptly shot from one of my gunsmiths, as he could finally get him with rg12″ gunz.
In turn three, everything started to fall apart. My opponent had more VP than me and he’s managed to kill most of my spiders. After a long and gallant fight, Spider V finally was put down after Myranda shapeshifted into a Slate Ridge Mauler. She tried to bear hug Spider V, and failed. She then tried to attack Spider V and failed. Obviously those claws are for eating berries and nuts. Marcus tried to turn Spider V into a beast, failed then when “FUCK THIS SHIT” and finally ended the reign of terror known as Spider V. Other stuff happened this turn like Ramos being charged by the war wabbit and a gunsmith randomizing shooting and killing a spider but that pales in significance to the loss of Spider V.
The game went to a fifth turn with only Ramos (who charged into melee on purpose- with a 1/2/7 damage spread you want to try for severe damage), a gunsmith (who charged off a roof into Marcus) and Joss (on his last wound post-reactivate). Marcus was on 50% health, I needed 1 more wound to get some sweet, sweet VP. I lost initiative and Marcus killed both Ramos and the Gunsmith. Joss died vs a bear.
At 4:8, I lost but to my credit, I did play the strat and schemes quite well. The cards can and will screw you over. Fate is fickle, don’tcha know? Spider V was my MVVP. Most Viciously Valuable Player. Steampunk arachnids everywhere should aspire to be like Spider V.
Once the Black Blood Shamans are out, I’ll be playing me some Neverborn. Till then, SPIDER V KNOWS WHERE YOU LIVE!
The post Auspicious Alchemy: Arcanist in-fight appeared first on House of Paincakes.