Every Infantry regiment founded on Scansin, has at least one Scout Platoon.  These troopers usually scout out ahead of the main formation and relay information back to Regimental Command.  Experts in the art of reconnaissance and stealth, these troopers work in small teams of 3 to 6.  Equipped with a light weight uniform, (lacking the built in armor) camo cloak, and various other tools of the trade many a foe has fallen to the skilled shot of a recon scout.

Due to their location, sometimes far ahead of the main body, they can also be employed as Snipers.  Because of this all troopers assigned to the Recon Platoon are required to be excellent marksman.  Those that can no longer keep up are sent back to a line Company.

Now I just have to finish up a few more of these and I'll have a Ratling Squad or two.