John here with another brew review (More Reviews found here). Today I am blogging about a classic American Craft beer; Anchor Steam. Anchor brewery was producing craft beer before the "Craft" scene was even a scene. They have a huge following of fans and are among some of the most respected breweries in the business.

As the pictures will show it was enjoyed straight from the bottle. No glassware was harmed during this review.
At the cottage with a cold bottle of Anchor.

Name: Anchor Steam Beer
Country: USA, California.
Price: $15.10 CAD for a Six Pack/ $2.52 a bottle.
ABV: 4.9%
Commercial Fluff:
"Light amber colour with dense head; aromas of spice, grain and sweet toasted malt with floral notes; dry, medium bodied, rich, creamy with notes of nut and grain and a long finish."
Own Opinion

Sight: A nice amber coloured beer, with a noticeable bubbles.
Aroma: Malty and a slight hint of caramel.
Taste: Malts, with a slight spicy back of the throat finish. Clean beer that is easy to finish.

Would I buy it again? Yes.

It's hard to find a fault in a classic style beer like this. Hailing from a brewery believed by many, to have helped with the re-emergence Craft Beer in the USA. This beer is a gateway drug to how good beer should taste. It's also a safe bet when faced by an ever increasing tap line-up and it's also one of the most commonly found craft beers around. This is Anchor's head lining beer and can be found in most good bars around the world. It's one of those beers, that you can just sit back and relax with. No harsh flavours or over the top bitterness and is quite sessionable, being just shy of 5%. If you need a beer to tempt loved ones away from Bud/Coors/Miller than this is the beer to use. I truly believe you would struggle to find a fault with it. 

Highly recommend for those in your life who aren't ready to be a hophead.