Element Games - Wargaming Webstore

Hey folks, I'm delighted to unveil the entrants for the March painting challenge. Thanks to everyone for their entries and their enthusiasm, there's some cracking models this month.

Anyway now for the voting, very simple: Choose your favourite (hard part!), tweet your vote to me (@stuntymike or as a comment to this blog post. One vote per person please and no self voting ;) Voting will close at 2359 BST on Monday the 21st of March. Shameless self promotion and bribes are recommended and encouraged!

DISCLAIMER: Please contact me ASAP if anything is wrong, I have missed your entry.


I've wanted to paint this figure for over 20 years, but was too intimidated by the assembly and pinning, as well as the prospect of painting such an iconic figure.


I remember when this model first came out from Forge World. It was when they were doing the run of Venerable dreadnaughts. It's actually about 10yrs old now I think. I remember thinking this was by far the best one. It just feels like the model tells a story, with all the scrolls, purity seals and iconography. So I've always been desperate to paint it but never really had the justification to buy it. Having now started a Black Templars army, it was the perfect time to paint him. So, I present Honoured Brother Artaros, Venerable Dreadnaught of the Black Templars



I've wanted to paint the Three Trolls set since it came out but never done it. I think the models really capture the characters from the film and book.


I've loved this model since it was released though never playing Chaos in WFB I never had an excuse to paint it. Mind you I don't think I ever saw it on the table in 8th given it's lacklustre rules. That's one of the best things about AoS for me, almost every model is usable depending on what you want to do game to game. Valkia now slots very nicely into by growing band of Bloodound.


The slann from Forgeworld has been on my for about 3 years, waiting for the right project. Well aos seemed like the time. Taking reference to the new book and its tiny illustration of the slann star craft I kit bashed a new captains chair (using tau parts - both blue right!). Including a teleport controller for bring down the army from orbit.


I'd meant to submit prince Ulthers imperial dwarfs but don't have a photo of them all based up. So instead it's the cool and massive glotkin. I love big kits but never saw myself running him but got asked to do it as a commission, how could I say no!