Made the final push over the last couple evenings and got the cult past the finish line - The patriarch be praised! They're heading off to their new owner in the morning, so I snapped some final pics before they go. Mostly minor detailing, eyeball and bases, so not much additional commentary from the last post, but pretty pics ahoy!

Patriarch and Purestrains

Magus, Primus and Familiars


1st and 2nd Generation Hybrids

3rd Generation Hybrids

4th Generation Hybrids

As several readers pointed out, Wargames Exclusive recently released a sweet cult limousine and I immediately ordered one up for use with the cult v2 (I'm trading these painted cultists to a gamer buddy for a brand new Deathwatch box). They sell the middle stretch limo section as a separate add-on, so the urge to make one ridiculously long limo akin to Jeremy Clarkson's "Giant Panda" from Top Gear is strong... Hah!