Here is the Official Marvel Mini Games FAQ direct from Knight Models.
It covers the Marvel Universe Miniature Game and the Spider-Man Miniature Game.

V1.2 can be found HERE (dropbox) and below.
Drew from the Marvel Facebook group has also put together a nicer looking PDF to match the rulebook. Colour PDF HERE v1.2


-Is MU compatible with the Batman / Spiderman games?

No. MU uses inches and 2D8s in a different rules set. They only have a few similar names for game terms.

-Will scenarios be in the Rulebook?

Different scenarios are included in each of the starters with more coming out in future releases. They will be added inside the blister like the character cards.

-Will the MU rules be online?

No, only available in the Starters

-Is the Rulebook the special offer?

No. The special pre-order offer was the price. 
A Mini-Rulebook will come in every starter. 

-Will the Spider-man game continue?

Yes, but slowly.

-Will Spider-man join the MU?

Yes we will release a Spider-man model for MU.

-Are the models rules available to see online?

Yes. All cards are on the KM site under the price of each in a link called Product Data Sheet. 

-Will starter models get sold separately?


-Are MU villains coming soon?

Yes, many of them.

-Will MU be monthly releases?

We will try to make this possible.

-Will some models get alternate versions in the future?

Yes some models will have different versions, but only a few.


Marvel Universe Miniature Game


-Can I attack friendly models?

Yes, you can target any character or scenery piece.

- Do you have to roll to attack a friendly model?

Yes. You always roll to attack a friendly. Only Grab on a friendly is automatic.

- If an Attack affects more than one model (Ex Wave, Pierce, Grab/Throw), does the initial Overload work on all targets?

No. You have to Overload each Attack Roll individually. 

- Does an Expansive Wave auto-hit all in range?

No. You have to make a Ranged Attack Roll against each possible target.

-When models roll agility to avoid damage from an Expansive Wave or Spray attack, must they spend POW to roll?

No, it’s a free roll.

-Are the Special rules and affects of Awkwardness, Distract, Dazzle and Ensnare cumulative?


-If you are within of 2’’ of one enemy character, could you make a ranged attack versus another different model which it isn’t within 2’’ and in range?


- Does a Melee Attack with a Range have the 2" minimum distance of other Ranged Attacks?

No. A Melee attack with a Range can 'reach' up to that distance with no minimum range.

-When you use the Overload rule, do you obtain the extra dice to the roll and the special effect?

No you must choose only one. Extra dice OR additional effect

-Is the penalty of the cover rule accumulative?


-The Penetrative rule causes damage to the objects between the attacker and the target. Does this damage characters also?

No. It only damages scenery and ignores cover

Thowing / Pushing

-How many times you can grab and throw in a turn?

You must consider it an extraordinary attack so once a turn. You can use the pseudonyms for frequency, they are the following:basic/amazing/green extraordinary/astonishing/blue unique/mighty/red

-Do secondary targets in a throw get Knocked Down if damaged?


-When Throwing a friendly model at an enemy model (Like a Fastball Special), does the friendly model suffer Throw damage?

No. A Friendly model does not suffer Throw Damage but does cause it (Equal to it's size) to the target.

- Can you change the facing of a Thrown item to give it a wider path of travel?

No. The facing of the thrown item stays the same as when it was on the board.

- Which point of a Thrown item hits the target? The first point of contact or the middle?

The front / first point of contact of a thrown item hits the target.

-Does a Push cause extra damage to the Pushed model as if it were Thrown?

No. Damage is only caused when a model hits the target. A Push has no Target.
The model will cause damage to models it passes equal to its size. (Overwhelm Damage)

- Can you Throw a model to a high point of a wall / scenery so they also suffer Fall damage?

No. You only suffer Fall damage if you end on a lower level than where you started.

Endurance Bar

-How do the penalties in the endurance bar work?

You must only apply the Bonus/Penalty according to the range in which the character is. If the character is in the red zone only apply the Bonus/Penalty on the red zone.

- Do you start in the Grey Area of the Endurance Bar?

Yes. The token is placed on the first box showing how many boxes are left. When the token is on the last box the model has 1 Endurance left.

Skills / Special Powers

-Can you do 2 Reactions to a single Attack or Special Power?

No. You can only react 1 time to any action.

-Do Flyers also ignore Knocked Down from Falling?

No. They will suffer the KD effect as normal.

-Can be the target of ricochet special rule be changed with Bodyguard?

No,it’s a secondary special effect, you can only use Bodyguad to change the original target.

-Are Passive Special Powers still in effect while a model is Knocked Down or Knocked Out?

Yes. Passive powers are always in effect as they are not 'used'.

-A character with the Total Vision rule using an attack with the Homing rule, can you ignore the Scenery to hit the target?

Yes, you can hit the target if you can trace unobstructed trajectory to the target. This trajectory doesn’t need to be a straight line.

- Can Total Vision allow you to attack through scenery?

Only with Penetrative and Homing attacks. Normal attacks still need a direct line to a part of the targets volume.


-Characters with the infiltrator rule, when must they be deployed?

These characters are deployed as per normal. They can just be depolyed in a different place.


- In "Relics", how do you control a Relic?

A model carrying a Relic is Controlling it.

- Can you carry 2 Relics?

No. A Model can only carry 1 item.


If you have anything that you think should be added, please post it below.


- Hendybadger