Afternoon guys and girls,

Small update for you today. I've been busy working away on the 2nd Crisis suit squad for the tau over the course of the past few months. Painting time is rather limited of late as I'm working 6 day weeks and I'm often too tired of a night to really focus on doing much :(

Anyway onto pictures:

Although they take an absolute age to paint I do get a rather accomplished sort of feeling when I see the whole squad done and out together. I still need to sort out drones for both these guys and the first squad I did.

New in the line Crisis suit wise are 2 bodyguards and the commander. The commander has been worked on since the finecast version first launched.......yes I'm slow.

On the work bench currently is this beast, who I have had for 2 years now. I finished sorting out the magnets in his arms and on the guns last night so I can crack on with getting the rest of him painted.

Anyway thats it for now, I shall be back next weekend hopefully with some progress on the R'Varna