Here's another color take on the Kings of War Salamanders.

I started with a much more traditional greenish color, moved to a red, and now it's time for some gold/amber.

This was going to be a very fun color contrast to the rocks and the weapon, since I knew there would be more teal and purple there.  Reflecting a tiny bit of the amber onto that blade was going to create some dramatic shapes to be sure!

Still, I wanted to incorporate some reddish hues, so that the golds would be tinted towards amber.  You might see in the right hand image that the yellow is more of a green hue.  Again, it's all about creating as many different subtle color transitions as possible to make it more interesting to look at.

That was also going to tie in the 'skin' colors with the weapon and the rocks, even the shoulder armor.

One last view to show the overall scene.  While I have also painted entire units of lizards the same color, it is a lot more fun to experiment and play around with those colors!