Time for some more Beers with Peps (#beerswithpeps). This time it's the turn of one of the best Stouts I've ever tasted; Brasserie Dieu du Ciel! Péché Mortel. This beer sits comfortably in Ratebeers Top 50 Imperial Stouts. I know I can find it in some LCBO's and of course in Quebec, but also know places like Brewdog have been known to stock them. I was fortunate to have visited a LCBO that some 4-packs so picked up a few bottles.

The first thing you'll notice with the bottle is the label. It's kind of creepy with a weird medusa style lady. I can only assume that it is meant to represent the alluring nature of the beer as it tempts you in and then freezes you in place with it's flavour.


Name: Péché Mortel (Mortal Sin)
Brewery: Dieu Du Ciel (Website)
Country: Canada, Quebec, Montreal.
Price: $3.99 a bottle
ABV: 9.5%
Commercial Fluff:
"Péché Mortel (French for "Mortal Sin") is an intensely black and dense beer with very pronounced roasted flavours. Fair trade coffee is infused during the brewing process, intensifying the bitterness of the beer and giving it a powerful coffee taste. Péché mortel is brewed to be savoured; we invite you to drink it in moderation. 
This stout style, high in alcohol and bitterness in order to favour preservation, was historically brewed to support the long and arduous voyage necessary to export the beer from England to Russia. The word Imperial comes from the fact that the beer was specially brewed for the Russian tsar’s court."

Own Opinion

Sight: Rich almost black tan colour, creamy foam head, sitting on top of a deep black body.
Aroma: Roasted Coffee, vanilla, slight nuttiness. Makes me think of Cold Brew Coffee. 
Taste: Gentle bitterness of coffee, rounded off by the vanilla. Lingering burnt taste at the back of the throat. Just like a good cup of coffee in the morning.
Would I buy it again? Yes! This stuff is great. This is exactly my style of beer. Big bold flavours that you have to enjoy slowly. As it warms up, more complex and deeper flavours get released. Great beer. Now this is the second beer I have had from them and both have been excellent. I now know I need to travel more into Quebec and pick up some additional beers from this great brewery.

What are your thoughts on this beer or brewery? Drop me a comment below or on Google+ and let me know or better letter click follow and stay up to date.