I played my second game with my Templars (30k) this past Friday evening versus Alpha Legion.

Sigismund has discovered Abbadon along with a small contingent from the Sons of Horus are close by occupying an abandoned Forge World looting the remains. Wishing to engage the traitor in a personal challenge he orders his battle barge to make planet fall... Only then to discover upon arrival it's a trap... The Alpha Legion is crawling all over the Forge World and heavily dug in.

Here's my army list:

+++ Imperial Fists (1850) +++ [Onslaught FOC]


+ HQ +

Sigismund - Master of the Legion /Warlord
Warlord Trait - Fear (note - should have used his fixed WLT)

Centurion - Primus Medicae
Cataphracti Armor
Storm Shield - Chainfist - Teleport Transponder

+ Troop +

4x Templar Brethren - Combat Shields - Nuncio Vox
Champion - Combat Shield - Solarite Gauntlet
Land Raider Phobos - Extra Armor - Ceramite Armor - Dozer Blade

+ Elite +

4x Legion Terminator
Cataphracti Armor
2x Chainfist - 2x Power Fist - 2x Storm Shield - Assault Cannon - Combi Bolter - Teleport Transponder
Sergeant - Chainfist - Storm Shield

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery (Mortars)
3x Legion Rapier - Frag Shells - Shatter Shells

+ Heavy Support +

Leviathan Dreadnaught
Grav Flux Bombard - Phosphex Discharger - Extra Armor - Ceramite Armor
Dreadnaught Drop Pod - 2x Twin Linked Volkite Caliver

Here's my opponent's army list:

+++ Alpha legion (1850) +++ [Age of Darkness FOC]

+ HQ +

Legion Praetor (130pts) - Master of the Legion /Warlord
Artificer Armor - Paragon Blade - Power Dagger
Warlord Trait - ?

+ Troops +

Legion Assault Squad - Jump Packs
9x Legion Assault Space Marine - 2x Hand Flamer
Legion Assault Sergeant - Hand Flamer - Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad
9x Legion Tactical Space Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Combi-Weapon - Melta Bombs

Legion Tactical Squad
+ Exchange Bolters for Chainswords
9x Legion Tactical Space Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Lightning Claw - Melta Bombs - Power Dagger

Legion Tactical Squad
9x Legion Tactical Space Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Lightning Claw - Melta Bombs - Power Dagger

+ Elites +

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery
Legion Rapier - Frag Shells

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery
Legion Rapier - Frag Shells

Legion Quad Launcher Support Battery
Legion Rapier - Frag Shells

+ Fast Attack +

Headhunter Kill Team
4x Headhunter - 3x Boltgun with Banestrike ammo - Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web and Banestrike ammo
Headhunter Prime - Boltgun with Banestrike ammo - Power Weapon

Headhunter Kill Team
4x Headhunter - 3x Boltgun with Banestrike ammo - Heavy Bolter with Suspensor Web and Banestrike ammo
Headhunter Prime - Boltgun with Banestrike ammo - Power Fist

+ Heavy Support +

Legion Heavy Support Squad
9x Devastator - Missile Launchers - Flak Missiles
Legion Sergeant - Power Dagger

Mission - Onslaught (HH Book 5)

1. You score one victory point for each enemy unit destroyed.
2. Each player places one objective marker in the opponent's deployment zone. If you control your objective marker in the enemy deployment zone at the end of the game you score 5 victory points.
3. If you destroy more enemy units than your opponent you score one additional victory point.
4. Slay the Warlord is worth one victory point.

The game length is fixed at six turns.

Deployment - Hammer and Anvil

Here's a picture of the table after deployment:

My opponent won the rolls to choose his deployment zone and deploy first. Note that you have to take turns deploying your units one at a time in this order - heavy support, troops, elites, HQ and finally fast attack.

My opponent deployed his Devastators in a multi level ruin on one side of his deployment zone with good line of sight across the table. He deployed his three tactical squads deep in his deployment zone with the assault squad on the opposite side of the table from his Devastators.

He deployed his three mortars across his deployment zone. He then opted to outflank one of the Headhunter kill teams with the Praetor attached while the other kill team infiltrates deep in my deployment zone behind a small piece of line of sight blocking ruin (probably going to attempt to assassinate my mortars).

My opponent selected Tank Hunter for his Legion trait.

I deployed my Templar Brethren with Sigismund and the Apothecary attached all embarked in the land raider at the outer edge of my deployment zone in a ruin across from the enemy Devastator team. I deployed my mortars centrally behind line of sight blocking terrain.

My terminators with the Centurion will deep strike and the Leviathan will arrive first turn via its drop pod.

Night Fight - No

I roll to seize the initiative and up pops a lucky six !

Wow I rarely if ever seize... Lol.

1st Turn - Templars
The Leviathan drops down beside the enemy assault squad and I roll a HIT for the scatter... Could have easily gone off the side of the table.

The land raider lurches forward cruising towards the Devastators. It then flats out another 6 inches straight ahead.

The Leviathan opts to remain embarked in its drop pod and rains down death upon the clustered enemy assault squad vaporizing the entire unit. The mortars then open fire but their barrage all scatter off the mark.

1st Turn - Alpha Legion
Both tactical squads closest to the Leviathan leg it away... One squad will roll poorly for their run move. Three of the Devastators opt to move over the wall in their ruin so they can draw line of sight to my land raider even though they will have to snap fire... The rest of them hold their ground. The infiltrating kill team hops out from behind the ruin and draw a bead on my mortars.

The Devastators then open fire on the land raider but fail to inflict any damage. The three individual mortars focus their barrage on my mortars and manage to destroy one mortar and two crewmen with some assistance from the infiltrating kill team. My mortars hold their ground though in defiance.

Templars: 1
Alpha Legion: 1

2nd Turn - Templars
The terminators arrive this turn deep striking close by an enemy tactical squad and stick their landing !

The land raider lurches forward 6 inches... Sigismund and his posse disembark ready to assault the enemy Devastator team.

The Leviathan is quick to disembark from its pod moving beside one of the retreating enemy tactical squads.

My remaining two mortars make quick work of the infiltrating kill team. The Leviathan rains death down upon the tactical squad killing four Marines and they hold. My terminators bust a few clips into a tactical squad and manage to drop a couple Legionnaires.

Sigismund leads the charge into the Devastators and they are wiped out. They consolidate inside the ruin surrounding the enemy mortar team.

The Leviathan then charges the tactical squad but fluffs it and only manages to kill two of the Legionnaires who hold.

2nd Turn - Alpha Legion
The Praetor and his kill team arrive via outflank coming in on the board edge with the land raider - they opt to come in deep in my deployment zone far away from the action. One tactical squad converges towards my terminators while the other one hold their ground so they can Fury them. The two remaining mortars also hold their ground.

Shooting inflicts zero damage then the Leviathan sweeps the last of the tactical squad and consolidates toward the other enemy tactical Marines.

Templars: 4
Alpha Legion: 0

3rd Turn - Templars
Sigismund and his posse spread out so they can multi charge an enemy mortar and one tactical squad. The terminators rush forward to assault another enemy tactical squad while the Leviathan moves into position to catch one of the enemy tactical squads on the other side.

My mortar team targets the enemy Praetor and kill team but the barrage scatters off. Shooting and assaults eliminate the last two enemy tactical squads and a mortar. My opponent then concedes.

Post Game Analysis
Seizing the initiative was huge as it allowed me to alpha strike the enemy and move the land raider in position to launch an assault the next turn. My opponent was on his back foot the rest of the game and didn't have enough armor piercing weapons to deal with either the land raider or Leviathan. This game the Leviathan was my MVP and rightly so after his lack luster performance versus Orks during my first game.

This was my opponent's first game with Alpha Legion and he plans to make some changes to his army list to better handle high armor... It was a learning experience for him and I'm sure the next match will be a lot closer.