NOTE - This list has many errors and is not legal.

This combined list is for either a team event or campaign. One player brings the Last of the Serrated Sun Rites of War detachment and their team mate not playing Word Bearers brings the allied detachment.

The Praetor and Diabolist join the Ashen Circle and can deep strike.

UPDATE (04-12-16) - Independent characters cannot join the Ashen Circle since they are Daemon. Drop the tactical squad for an assault squad instead to attach the Praetor and Diabolist.

Three drop pods come down first turn.

+++ New Roster (2350) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (1320) ++

+ HQ (220) +

Legion Praetor +Warlord
Archaeotech Pistol - Artificer Armour - Burning Lore - Iron Halo - Jump Pack - Paragon Blade
Master of the Legion - Rites of War - Last of the Serrated Sun

+ Troops (1100) +

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (275)
4x Dark Brethren - Meltagun
Dark Martyr - Artificer Armour - Power Fist
Legion Drop Pod

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (275)
4x Dark Brethren - Meltagun
Dark Martyr - Artificer Armour - Power Fist
Legion Drop Pod

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (275)
4x Dark Brethren - Meltagun
Dark Martyr - Artificer Armour - Power Fist
Legion Drop Pod

Gal Vorbak Dark Brethren (275)
4x Dark Brethren - Meltagun
Dark Martyr - Artificer Armour - Power Fist
Legion Drop Pod

+ Legion +

Legion Astartes [Traitor, XVII: Word Bearers]

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Allied Detachment) (1180) ++

+ HQ (175) +

Legion Centurion - Diabolist
Artificer Armour - Burning Lore - Charnabal Sabre - Jump Pack - Melta Bombs - Tainted Weapon

+ Troops (255) +

Legion Tactical Squad (255)
Dark Channelling
9x Legion Tactical Space Marine
Legion Tactical Sergeant - Artificer Armour - Melta Bombs - Tainted Weapon
Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier - Dozer Blade - Extra Armour - Twin-Linked Bolter

+ Fast Attack (200) +

The Ashen Circle
4x Incendiary
Iconoclast - Artificer Armour - Phosphex Bombs - Power Axe

+ Heavy Support (400) +

Leviathan Siege Dreadnought
Armoured Ceramite - Grav-Flux Bombard
Phosphex Discharger - 2x Twin-linked Volkite Caliver
Legion Dreadnought Drop Pod