Hi all,
last night I was able to work some more on the turret.

After sanding the turret looks quite nice.
And with the Lasers mounted on the KAIROS

Noble Korhedron over at Warseer wrote:
New turret is grand, just don't expect me to believe a man can fit in there!!
Well, if I compare it to the other WH40K turrets, I think it is even on the large side;)
Especially since it is a Laser-Gun, which would have no recoil and no ammo feed or loading mechanism...
But anyhow, a man doesn't need to fit in there - it'll be two ladies :D
These two are from the Raging Heroes Kickstarter "The Toughest Girls of the Galaxy"
I really like their look.
They are tiny compared to the bulky 40K trooper, but I think they will mix well in the diorama.

Last not least I put together the elevated sensor platform for the KAIROS.
What do you think?
Will that work?

It still needs all the vision blocks, sights, lights, luggage and camo nets - and of course rivets :)

Let me know what you think.