BlackjackWe’ve spoken before, at length, about the future of gambling – hell, this entire blog is specifically about this topic! We’ve discussed it at length, speaking about how virtual reality will allow us to enjoy gambling in a completely new way (a prediction which actually came true, as evidenced by the fact that Microgaming recently won an award for VR Roulette), or how we can learn a few valuable lessons from videogames in order to build a more interesting community for gamblers. But something which I’ve never done – something which I’ve wanted to do practically since starting the blog – is talk about individual games and how they may continue to develop in the future. Honestly, I’ve got no idea why I waited this long to do it, but now that I’ve started, I might as well just go with it!

The first game I’d love to examine is blackjack, simply because it tends to be rather unique among casino games. Too many games to count use playing cards, but by far the most famous one in a casino environment, excluding poker (which is kind of like an entirely different beast, since you don’t play against the casino), is blackjack. So, how would blackjack, or more particularly online blackjack, move into the future? Well, I don’t really think that virtual reality is the answer here. There’s really no point in wearing a giant, heavy visor on your head just to play some cards, not when your tablet is actually going to do a much better job. Now, augmented reality, on the other hand, such as Microsoft’s Hololens, is absolutely the tool for the job!

For those of you who don’t know the difference, go back and re-read my previous articles, but the gist of it is that virtual reality replaces the entire environment around you with something brand new, while augmented reality simply changes some aspects of it. With virtual reality blackjack, you’d be transported to a virtual casino, while with augmented reality you’d be able to play on your own desk, with virtual cards. Obviously, I fully expects sites like to fully cover these new Hololens features, maybe even expanding into a new section just about them. I mean, there’s always the fact that they won’t really acknowledge them, but I personally don’t see why, since playing in augmented reality would be just as good as playing online blackjack with real money, if not better. I don’t really see the need for an entirely separate site dedicated to AR blackjack, but… Let’s not kid ourselves, chances are they’re going to show up soon enough.

Overall, blackjack is one of those games which, unlike slots, wouldn’t really benefit too much from the advances in technology. While having automatically dealt cards right in front of you wherever you are would be amazing, I think we can all agree that AR blackjack probably wouldn’t revolutionize the industry. Or maybe you don’t agree and I’m just delusional. Either way, let me know by clicking the Contact button!

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