Time to go travelling my fellow drinkers, so pack a bag and a hip flask!

 After a little exploring and leaving Ottawa, Ontario behind, I have discovered my new favourite Beer shop in Hull, Quebec (40 minute walk away, crossing the river). But more about this shop another blogging time. But basically it is a Mecca for Quebec breweries and I love the place! It stocks some amazing breweries and I am looking forward to trying them all. One such brewery you can find here is Dieu Du Ciel. These guys have produced some of my favourite Canadian beers so far. And I very excited, to say the least to find a full range of their beers so I had to grab a few (would be rude not too).

Which brings us nicely to today's beer. This beer caught my eye as it's made with Kumquats, something I haven't seen in a beer before. So let's get going.


Name: Disco Soleil
Style: IPA
Brewery: Dieu du Ciel (http://www.dieuduciel.com/)
Country: Quebec, Canada
Price: $2.99 CAD
ABV: 6.5%
Commercial Fluff:
"Kumquat IPA. Formerly known as 'Fortunella'

Own Opinion

Sight: pours a cloudy golden colour with a white creamy head.
Aroma: It has a very gentle aroma, slight hit of orange, melon and pine/resin.
Taste: Orange, quite mouth drying as well. It's very easy to drink, with a bit of malt coming through. Drinking this kind of reminds me of Orange fruit pastels which is great!
Would I buy it again? Yes.

Well all considered for my first Kumquat beer this is a success. Great packaging which seems to be their style, with a great looking beer inside. The flavours are gentle and not to over the top. I'm left with a nice taste in my mouth and would happily have more.

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Twitter: @Brasseries_DDC