So the parade continues with a bit more work done here on detailing the first buildings.
I figured I would give 2 different sizes a go.. starting with a smaller Town House, and then the larger Farm House as well.
Initial experiments with wood flooring coming from a single left over sheet of balsa wood from a project long since forgotten here. It already had the grooves lengthways on it, so just have to make the smaller cuts to represent it as layered wood slabs there. They did not quite fit, so I then stuck some more balsa wood beams and along the floor/wall sections.
Not sure how well it will look afterwards, but it is a start at least. I also plan to do some wallpaper for the walls once the majority of it is painted up. And possibly even do some plastic transparent sheets to represent the window glass.. but need to figure that out further I suspect.
Externally this is what we have for the first little town house. Having a brick base, and then a white stone work putty/plaster facade to go with it. While the putty was semi wet ( though it does not stay long ) I pressed the other cardboard cut outs into it. More secure than the white glue I used on the bricks!
I continued this on with the large Farm House as well.. but got a bit more elaborate with the brick work design.
Though I am a bit stumped as to what to do with the wooden panel that crosses over a section ( though at the moment it is not in the right spot! ).. any ideas are welcome!
Combined and lined up this is what we have ( with a few SAS checking out the digs.. ).. I think once paint is applied this could turn out really good. Just have to figure out the right colors for it to keep it dusty and old.
As for the roofs.. I have ordered a clay tile stamp. So I will line the roof with DAS clay, thinly, and then stamp it with the pattern. Hopefully this will work out for me, and create a good enough texture that will work nicely at this scale. As I am struggling a bit to find ones in the appropriate scale...
More to come.. though paint is a long ways off as yet. As I plan to batch paint them as much as possible, and do up the details one by one. Though now that I can see that the footprint of the houses is fixed, I can begin to plan out the full board a bit including some hill sections as well as the street pattern.
Should be fun!