Came as a bit of a surprise to see a logo from the old country in the LCBO. I had seen Punk IPA on tap in a few places, but had let to see it in a take away format. It now seems LCBO are stocking it regularly (well regularly for them at least). This is a nice change of pace for the LCBO, as their idea of UK beer normally ends at Fullers and Tennents (yawn). So I was genuinely happy when I spied the logo and font of a BrewDog Punk IPA. Hailing from Scotland they have taken the UK beer scene by storm and I almost worked for them just before choosing Canada instead. They have their heads screwed on and believe in making beer that tastes great! Punk IPA is their Flagship beer and is the brainchild of Martin Dickie. I know already I will like it as I've drunk it many time before including from a cask way, way, way back in the day. So let's jump in!

Name: Punk IPA
Style: IPA
Brewery: BrewDog (Website)
Country: Scotland, UK.
Price: $3.40 CAD - 500ml Can
ABV: 5.6%
Commercial Fluff:
"This fresh, full flavour natural beer is our tribute to the classic IPAs of yester-year. The post modern twist is the addition of amazing fruity hops giving an explosion of tropical fruit flavours and a sharp bitter finish"

Own Opinion
Sight: Pours a slightly hazy orange amber from the can. With a crisp white head that lingers all the way down the glass. A great example of a healthy beer.
Aroma: Big fruity, citrus grapefruit, peach and pine aromas. Backed up with a toffee malt aroma. Have missed this beer and need to go get more.
Taste: Hit of citrus straight away, juicy lemons and oranges zing the tastes buds. This is rounded out by caramel flavours from the malt, washing over them. Quite a strong bitter finish that leaves the mouth dry and wanting more.
Would I buy it again? Hell YES!
What can I say this is a solid beer. Full of flavours and delivers on it's promise of a tasty beer. This is a beer that launched a brewery and I can't fault it and apart from wanting more of their range in Canada. With the news of the USA brewery proceeding well, we can only hope that we will start seeing more of their range in the near future.
Have you tried this beer let? What are your thoughts? Drop me a comment either on here or via twitter: @JohnPepsDay or Instagram: @johnpepsday or hit follow or +1. As always thanks for dropping by.
Have you tried this beer let? What are your thoughts? Drop me a comment either on here or via twitter: @JohnPepsDay or Instagram: @johnpepsday or hit follow or +1. As always thanks for dropping by.