I've been working part-time with CoolMiniOrNot over the last few months. Back in February I was able to head over to Northern Ireland and film a bunch of videos about Dark Age with the guys at Beasts Of War. It was a great week, and now the videos are about to launch. Next week (May 2-7, 2016) will be Dark Age Week on BOW. They've already posted their first video, a cool vlog about the building of the table we gamed on all week : )

After the themed week, Warren and the team will be playing out a Battle Report campaign, and I was awarded the task of painting up the forces they'll be using. The force that features in all the games are those led by St John. I've painted up over 1,000 points for the BOW team to choose from, including St John on foot AND mounted on his griffon.

The second force is a generic Outcast warband. This one is closer to 500 points, with Scuts, Wasteland Warriors, Brutes, a Fixer, and the gloriously enigmatic Captain Jake Flay (also pictured below).

I hope you like these photos, and I hope you enjoy the videos on Beasts of War next week, even if you have to watch my goofy face in a bunch of them ; )
