And when I say Warmachine, I’m not talking Privateer Press….

Every once in a  while I like to paint large scale figure for fun.  Dragon Models 3 years ago released a whole line of awesome 1/9 Scale Iron Man armors including an awesome MK II Warmachine / Iron Patriot armor based off of Iron Man 3. 

I am building the kit up based on art from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and modding it to look a bit more "Comic Book Like"

The Model Kit

MCU Inspirational Art


I am illuminating the model with one of our upcoming Fallout Hobbies LED Kits. The 6LED Kit, where you can choose 4 LEDs in one color and 2 LEDs in a secondary color. Here I choose 4 white for the hand/feet repulsors and 2 red for the eyes and arc reactor.

Running the LED’s up through the legs and head was easy with  the overall size of the model. Only a few small holes needed to be drilled for wiring.

Custom Parts

I am positioning the kit in a flying pose with hand repulsors aiming out. Unfortunately, the kit only came with closed fist options. Thankfully I was able to find a fella on Shapeways that made full-size Iron Man gloves and was able to pay him to make a scaled down version that I am having 3D printed by Shapeways. 

Here’s images of the hand renders

Here’s a link to the Shapeways store if anyone wanted to purchase similar hands for their Iron man kit:

Additional Details / Mods

I am customizing the kit in two additional ways by adding extra weaponry inspired by comic book art I found and creating custom decals that will apply better than the deals from the kit. I know it's not completely accurate to the Marvel Cinematic Universe...but I think it looks cool.

Comic Inspirational Art.

I bought a 1/6 scale gatling gun toy to mod for the shoulder cannon. It's a bit out of scale, but once modified it will look more in scale. 

Here's the full toy.

Gatling Gun toy out of box. Size comparison

Gatling gun trimmed down and shortened up. More in scale with the figure.

Custom Decal Art In Progress.

Stay Tuned for more progress!