I've decided I wanted some Devoted of Sigmar in to accompany my Stormcast Eternals. And now I finally my converted War Altar, but I did a little more than just rebasing of this model.

You can see how it looked before here. And even if I liked how it looked before It didn't work as good with my Lions of Sigmar Stormcast. It was purple but the wrong tint of purple. So I redid all this on both the flagellants and the wagon.

The Arch Lector was before a High Priest of Morr, but since the End Times Morr is no more. I didn't want to change it altogether, I like the statue, the roses etc. but the High Priest looked a little out of place. So I changed him into Death Mage and put the original Arch Lector on top of the War Altar instead. So I painted him up in matching colors, did some more touch ups etc. and here is the final result. 

Liked how it turned out, and the model looks so much nicer on a big oval base I must say. Please tell me what you think, and if anyone out there has tried it in AoS please tell me what you think about it.