Hi everyone!

I've been busy the last few weeks and have finally finished a unit of 3 bullgryns, painted a new commissar and another squad of regular guardsmen. Photos of those to follow in upcoming posts.

What I am posting today is a draft army list for the upcoming London 40K GT that I will be attending this month on the 28th May. Might anyone who follows my blog be going?

Essentially, I havent played a proper game of 7th, or if I have it has been so long that I have utterly forgotton. Unperturbed, I intend to do what I always do, which is take some fun units that look good and road test the newly painted models!

I've got a draft of the army list below and have maxed out pretty much all my options in a standard Force Org Chart (is it called a CAD now???), taking the little loved units such as ratlings, rough riders, scions and even the bullgryns!

280 points for the 5 bullgryns is such a points sink it makes me almost physically sick, but they need to be taken because they look bad ass.

I'm well aware I have no real anti tank or AP2, also nothing above AV 12. It's definitely not my usual army list. All alternative incarnation sees me taking a baneblade, but I can't help but feel that really is a wast of points.

I have little understanding of the meta at the moment beyond it being likely to be lots of marines, knights and wraith knights.

Please have a look at the list and let me know your thoughts. Any tips advice or tactics greatly welcomed.


Unit  Wargear Points
Command HQ 60
Chimera 65
Commissar 25
Priest 25
Life Guards (Stormtroopers) flamer 75
(T) Taurox Prime taurox gatling cannon 90
Ratlings 50
Bullgryns 3 Bullgryns with power mauls, 2 with slab shields 280
Command Section  30
(T) Chimera 65
Squad 1  50
(T) Chimera 65
Squad 2  50
(T) Chimera 65
Squad 3  50
(T) Taurox 50
Veteran Squad Missile Launcher, grenade launcher 80
Chimera 65
Fast Attack
Rough Riders squad  5 Roughriders, 1 melta gun, 1 Plasma gun 80
Hellhound 125
Heavy Support
3 Thudd Guns 150
Thunderbolt 180
Wyvern 65
TOTAL  1840