Nick speaking,

Once again the standard for this years Terrain Square Competition was incredibly high, and with the added twist of the terrain pieces not being on a base with straight edges and corners made for some very inspirational pieces. This of course made my job of picking the winner very hard, but out of the nineteen entries I had to come up with a top three, and that is what I did. If you want to check out all the entries for yourself, I have a playlist on my homepage where you can see all the awesome pieces of terrain.

Right, lets take a look at the top three in reverse order...

Third Place: Spunge Hammer and his Bridge Scene

Second Place: FearDaAlien and his Skull Temple


First Place and this years Terrain Square Champion: ta24u and his Alpha Base Zero

Well done to everyone for all their hard work, I hope it was a lot of fun and I look forward to seeing what awesome pieces of terrain we will get in next years Terrain Square Competition in March and of course, there will be a new twist!