Nick speaking,

Time to show off everything that I managed to get for the £25.00 Army Challenge that I have been doing. The aim of the Challenge was to make a five hundred point army for twenty five pounds, and I think it's safe to say, that with some help from some very generous friends, I totally smashed that! So how many points did I get for my money? Well, in the end I managed to obtain twelve hundred points of Dark Eldar for exactly twenty five pounds!

More pictures and an army list coming up, but first a chat about what is next! Phase Two of the challenge is to get to one thousand points for another £25.00, but as I am there already, I figured I would attempt to get to two thousand instead, so that's another eight hundred points. It's going to be tough, and I may not get there, but it's going to be fun trying. Anyway, here is the list, not exactly competitive and lacking in anti tank guns, but that is what I am going to work on in Phase Two...

Phase One Army List 1200pts

1 x Archon/Blaster/Husk Blade/Webway/Shadow Field (175)


5 x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55)
1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)

5 x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55)
1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)

5 x Wyches/1x Hyrda (55)
1x Venom/Splinter Cannon (65)

10 x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95)
1 x Raider/Dark Lance/Night Shields/Splinter Racks (90)

10 x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95)
1 x Raider/Dark Lance/Night Shields/Splinter Racks (90)

10 x Kabalite Warriors/1x Splinter Cannon (95)

15 x Bloodbride Wyches/3x Pairs Hydra Gauntlets (210)

Points 1200

The Archon will join the Bloodbrides and use the Webway Portal to teleport in from reserve as the rest of the army charges in, sounds like fun to me, but of course there is a lot more work to be done before I can try it out on the table...