I have forgotten to post the finished ruined house.  I did skip the detailing on the inside of the house to get it done. I used wall filler to make the dirt on the floor and then I mixed old flock with PVA glue to add some more texture to it.
When it comes to painting I used Steel legion drab as base paint for the walls and then I mixed in screaming skull to it in two stages. The darker areas are just Army Painter Strong tone, the moss is two olive green colours that is stippled on.
The roof did take a while to do, the reason is is that I made the tiles a lot smaller then I did on the tower so the cutting it out took ages. Painting it I used deeper red colour and washed it down wit strong tone and then drybrushed it it up with the base colour.
The wood is painted with Dryad Bark, washed with strong tone and then I added light grey to the dryad bark for a layer of drybrushing.