Tristan Whitehead has quite possibly come up with the best Space Wolves army list we've seen in a long time. So good in fact, he won 4 out of 5 games at the SN Battle Reports tournament in Gibraltar with it.

Sometimes when you see an army composition that's so damned obvious, you wish you'd thought of it. Thankfully, Tristan is a big fan of the Space Wolves Players Hand Book, so I can at least claim some credit (right?).

Basically, he took the most powerful units in the Space Wolves army, using the most powerful detachments and brought it all together to create a beautifully unsubtle army list.

Here's what he cooked up.

Tristan Whitehead Space Wolves SN (1750pts)

Company of the Great Wolf Detachment:

Wolf Guard Battle Leader:
Krakenbone Sword, Thunderwolf Mount, Storm Shield

Rune Priest:
Psychic Hood, Rune Axe

Rune Priest:
Psychic Hood, Rune Axe

Blizzard Shield, Extra Armour, Fenrisian Great Axe, Venerable
Drop Pod

Iron Priest (elite):
Thunderwolf Mount

Skyhammer Missile Launcher

Thunderwolf Cavalry:
x3 Storm Shields, 1 Power Fist

Thunderwolf Cavalry:
x3 Storm Shields, 1 Power Fist

Relic Sicaran Battle Tank:
Dozer Blade

Wulfen Murderpack Formation:

5 Wulfen:
x2 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, Frost Claws and Stormfrag Launcher, x2 Great Frost Axe

5 Wulfen:
x2 Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield, Frost Claws and Stormfrag Launcher, x2 Great Frost Axe


I know what you're thinking... "How come he was able to take an Elite Iron Priest?

Well, the SN tournament used the ITC rules, which rule that you can take an Iron Priest as an Elite or an HQ choice.

It was written in White Dwarf that you can do this.

Although it was also written in Curse of the Wulfen that the HQ choice Iron Priest REPLACES the Elite choice Iron Priest.

So it goes to show that it's always worth checking with the tournament organisers' ruling before you submit your list.

You're probably also wondering... "Why the Sicaran doesn't have any sponsons?"

I guess Tristan was tight for points and the only way to get the points would have been to drop a Rune Priest.

And last, but not least... "Why aren't the Rune Priests in a Wyrdstorm Brotherhood?"

I would say it's because they get benefits from being in the Champions of Fenris formations, such as getting Preferred Enemy in Challenges. Also, when there are only 2 Rune Priests in play, the Living Storm power from the Wyrdstorm Brotherhood isn't very impressive,

Either way, this is a tight, tough little list with lots of tough, fast and hard hitting units.

If I was to take this up to 2,000pts, I'd simply take a third pack of Wulfen and give the Sicaran some sponsons.

Although, if I ran into issues because of the Iron Priest not being allowed as an Elite choice (and I personally feel it should be restricted to an HQ choice, as per how the rules are clearly written!), I would take a third Wulfen pack as my 2nd Elite choice and use the points for the Sicraran sponsons to pay the points for an HQ Iron Priest instead.

Pricing it up!

Out of curiosity (and temptation), I decided to price up this little army and see how affordable it is.

Please note that prices are from Element Games.

Wulfen Pack: £29.75 X 2 = £59.50
Thunderwolf Cavalary: £28.05 X 3 = £84.15
Dreadnought: £28.05
Drop Pod: £19.12
Space Wolves Pack: £19.55 (parts for Rune Priests, Iron Priest and Wolf Lord conversions)
Stormwolf: £41.65
Sicaran: £76 + £9.12 rip-off postage from Forge World

TOTAL: £337.14

That's not bad for a 1750pts army.