- Print
- Apply double sided tape to back
- Stick to mounting card [I use black card which is black all the way through, alternatively a black Sharpie or other marker will make the edges really cool looking]
- Carefully apply sellotape to top if you want them pseudo-laminated
- Cut out with craft knife/scalpel
- Amaze your friends and enemies with these awesome markers
- Tell them to visit www.40kaddict.uk for their own free markers.
www.bcmarkers.com produce these nifty markers, obviously made from unfurled bottle caps 'bc' get it? They're printed and attached to the cap with a domed clear plastic cover to protect them and add the 'premium' finish you may be after. I have to say the graphics look particularly detailed, there definitely looks like a lot of effort and skill has gone into these.
Alternatively http://battlemarkers.com use a different process - badges [or buttons I think they called in the US] these are made without the pin in the back. They look really durable and a very high finish, the graphics are also top notch and they're quite well priced too.
Both options look pretty good to me, if you're in the market for these sorts of things, their only problem is they're both roughly 1" in diameter. Wound counters are going to be a bit bulky at this size on the battlefield, psychic powers about right. It does mean your less likely to lose them as they're much bigger than my tiny ones but if you have that concern you shouldn't be paying for something that could be considered disposable anyway.
Right, that's got me down to 20 draft posts remaining...