Wow we have had a few hot days lately, which can mean only one thing: Patio season has arrived! So yes a lot of the pictures in upcoming reviews will be beers in a glass, but fear not for today's comes from a can. Railway City Black Coal Stout is a two times award winning beer so I'm expecting something good from it. Also yes I know it's a stout and it's hot outside which should mean IPA's but I love Stouts to much.


Name: Black Coal Stout
Style: Stout
Brewery: Railway City
Country: St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Price: $3.15 CAD for a 473ml can.
ABV: 6%

Commercial Fluff:
"Deep brown with thick dark foam; dominated by coffee, toast and dark chocolate aromas; medium to full bodied with rich flavours of dark chocolate, coffee with a lingering note of rye bread."

Own Opinion

Sight: Pours an opaque black, almost 'Black Coal' in colour (sorry), settles with a nice solid tan head. Looking good.
Aroma: Coffee hits early on, followed by dried fruits and chocolate sweetness.
Taste: Bitter chocolate coats my mouth straight away, with a real burntness about it too (maybe coffee?). But it finishes with a sweetness I wasn't expecting. Interesting combo, but nothing ground breaking.
Would I buy it again?  Probably. Let me be clear there is nothing bad about the beer. It was a pleasant drink but lacked any real characteristics to help standout against other stouts. I enjoyed it more than a guinness, but it doesn't compete against a Tom Green or a Le Trefle Noir Stout. For friends who don't like big striking flavours or are new to beers then this is a good starting point. For those wanting bold, daring flavours look elsewhere.  

 So have you had it before? Let me know your thoughts.