Over the last weekend I got together with friend and fellow miniature painter Jeff Bowden. Following Adepticon I've been a little more enthusiastic to join more people together in the painting community..So far that has equated to me having one dude stay over for a weekend and paint but it's a start.
Jeff hasn't finished any projects in a while, he even has a Slayer Sword under his belt. I think winning awards carries expectation. Forget about everyone else, it's personal expectation I'm talking about. You've set an all time high for yourself and anything less won't do. This has slowed me down as well, the post competition slump sets in. But my advice is, fuck it, painting started as a for fun activity with, I hope, anyone reading this. Here is how Jeff and I got to some paint jamming and had a great time not thinking about first prize :)
I invited Jeff up to show him some chaos magic on the new Orruk brute models
After prepping and discussing the paint scheme, I showed Jeff the way of the wet. Blending that is. I wanted to portray a jungle setting on these orruks, because it was cool and because the colors would be complinentary for a yellow ork.
With the mid level beer flowing, a freehand did come into clearer vision.
Stay tuned for day two's progress!