Welcome Readers, thanks for dropping by. Well, after all the excitement of Warhammerfest and Warhammer World, where the WeeMen had a great time on Saturday and Warhammer World on the Sunday, see previous posts, I loved the way my bikes were giving Lord Halfpenny's TEN Knights the run around, if not being a little ineffective - but choose your enemies wisely and bikes are great. Hot on the heels of my full five man Grav Gun Bike Squad, I finished off another three bikes to make another Grav Gun Squad. I will eventually add another two plain bikers, as ablative wounds for the squad, but I am yet to buy them.
The Sergeant was made from a Dark Vengeance bike like the Plasma Gun Squad and the fairings match the other squads Sergeants. I like making the veteran Sergeants look different from the other bikes. The Sergeant also has a Forge World Destroyer Squad helmet to mark him out as a Veteran. The left-handed Grav Gun required a minor conversion but removing the affixed hand and adding a left hand from the Devastators box set and an arm from the bits box.
The rear totem feathers were simply painted Hawk Turquoise with Nuln Oil wash and a fine dry brush again with Hawk Turquoise to bring the edges back to a brighter colour, quite similar to Dave Weston's Ravenwing Bikes at 40K Addict Blog. I always drill by exhausts as well as Bolter barrels for a touch of realism. For the Ravenwing Bike, I used a plain bikers torso and a Combi-Grav from the Sternguard set.
Thanks for dropping in. Cheers, Siph.
Relictors Space Marine Bike Squad #2 w/ Grav Guns
by Siph_Horridus | May 26, 2016