I have started to make some inroads into my Salute haul with the Pegasus German Truck kit.

This is a well made, easy to assemble, relatively cheap kit, with good detail and went together very well. The model actually can look like two different trucks the Germans used so that is a bonus in my eyes. I am going for the Mercedes pictured below.

I started with a black primer.

Then a base colour of Middlestone for the vehicles and Tallarn Sand for the canopies.

I then heavily washed the entire model with a 60/40 Brown black wash.

Next a drybrush of Middlestone for the vehicles and Tallarn Sand for the canopies.

The brown camouflage was a 50/50 mix of Middlestone and Chocolate Brown and a 70/30 Chocolate Brown and Middlestone mix for the center part of the camouflage. The green was a 50/50 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone as a base then a 70/30 mix of Reflective Green and Middlestone for the center of the camouflage.
 Last a drybrush of Middlestone, followed by another drybrush of  Bone or Ivory. Next was to finish all the details like the tyres etc.

Next I will show it against some terrain to see how well it looks.

