Following on from last week's Wolf and Eldar doubles tournament battle reports, I wanted to talk to you guys about the armies that Lee and I are working on. In what I like to call "A Song of Ice & Firepower".

Playing to our Strengths

As hobbyists, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. And in this instance, Lee is brilliant at building and magnetising models, while I am better at painting.

So after Lee expressed his frustration at building his models, only to make a mess of the painting, while I was having trouble magnetising my models the way I wanted, we agreed to do the work for one another.

While I've been painting Thunderwolf Cavalry, Lee has been building and magnetising my Eldar, including the awesome Wraith Knight.

Developing Armies

While Lee mostly takes care of the cleaning, building and magnetising side of things, which takes considerable time (probably more so than painting), I spend time researching and writing our army lists to optimise our units and make our army lists competitive.

We devised 2 main Space Wolves armies for Lee, while I created a single, flexible, scalable Eldar list for myself.

This way we can play 500pts to 1850pts games (or higher) with the pool of units at our disposal.

Lee's Space Wolves List

Lee's lists are based on Tristan Whitehead's Space Wolves army, The Blackmanes list from The Space Wolves Players Hand Book, and then a handful of other units he likes to keep things interesting.

Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf (magnetised)
Iron Priest on Thunderwolf, 4 Cyberwolves
3 Rune Priests
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry (magnetised)
3 Thunderwolf Cavalry (magnetised)
5 Wulfen
5 Wulfen
Stormfang/Stormwolf (magnetised)
Stormfang/Stormwolf (magnetised)
Sicaran (magnetised)
Dreadnought/Bjorn/Murderfang (magnetised)
Drop Pod

Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Terminator Armour with Chainfist and Storm Shield
6 Wolf Guard with Combi-Meltas and 1 Wolf Claws
5 Wolf Guard Void Claws
5 Grey Hunters with Close Combat Weapons and a Melta Gun
5 Grey Hunters with Close Combat Weapons and a Melta Gun
5 Grey Hunters with Close Combat Weapons and a Melta Gun
5 Grey Hunters with a Plasma Gun
5 Blood Claws with a Flamer
5 Blood Claws with a Flamer
5 Blood Claws with a Flamer
2 Long fangs with Plasma Gun, Wolf Guard Battle Leader Upgrade, Terminator Armour, Combi-Plasma, Storm Shield.
5 Wolf Scouts with Bolters, a Plasma Gun and Camo Cloaks
10 Drop Pods

Arjac Rockfist
5 Wolf Guard Terminators (magnetised)
Land Raider Crusader
5 Long Fangs with 4 Missile Launchers
5 Long Fangs with 4 Missile Launchers
Imperial Knight

Adam's Eldar List

"Don't mind me, I'm just a harmless little Eldar army..."

I wanted my Eldar army to be fast, shooty and have a nice mix of units. Basically to maximise on what (for me) the Eldar have always been about. Hence why I only have 1 Wraith Knight and my army is small. It can reach 1850pts. Not that I play many games above 1750pts.

Farseer on Jetbike with Singing Spear
3 Jetbikes (magnetised)
3 Jetbikes (magnetised)
3 Jetbikes (magnetised)
3 Jetbikes (magnetised)
7 Warp Spiders + Exarch
Warp Hunter
Warp Hunter
3 Dark Reapers
Wraith Knight (magnetised)


We've got a lot of models to build and paint between us. Once all that's done, we've got Imperial Sector scenery to build and paint too!

But working with other people (and being able to use each others' armies) is what the hobby is all about.

My only worry is how my Eldar would be able to repel The Blackmanes drop pod army?