Everybody needs a break sometimes and so did I. Having painted almost exclusively red for a few weeks now, I needed something else. But then again, I didn’t want to break the combo of my Word Bearers. So I painted some Destroyers for my Word Bearers collection.

Nice models (that’s pretty obvious) and their dark reputation fits the use in a Word Bearers force. I imagine the Destroyers going in first and breaking resistance with their rad-weaponry closely followed by a second wave of the Ashen Circle burning everything down thats left over.

What has been a bit tricky is the fact that Destroyer Marines normally are depicted in black, but I couldn’t find “proof” in the background that they are black indeed. So I took the freedom to just paint them black, following the colour-scheme of red, black and metal.

The first 5 of my Destroyer Marines.

The first 5 of my Destroyer Marines.

These Word Bearers are from the chapter of the Unspeaking.

These Word Bearers are from the chapter of the Unspeaking.

All equipped with jump packs and the maximum number of rocket launchers.

All equipped with jump packs and the maximum number of rocket launchers.

Basically the Destroyers follow an inverted paint scheme with black armour and red pauldrons.

Basically the Destroyers follow an inverted paint scheme with black armour and red pauldrons.