Another artillery Tank has been completed and added to my collection. In the past days I finished my work on another Vindicator (see the first one here). Once again, a pleasure to paint yet another tank for the Word Bearers, but see for yourself:

And here he is: number two in the close range support section.

And here he is: number two in the close range support section.

On the back door I used some FW edged brass to give it some structure.

On the back door I used some FW edged brass to give it some structure.

The white scriptures are again free-hands, the golden script is from the decal sheet.

The white scriptures are again free-hands, the golden script is from the decal sheet.

Once again I used a lot of the FW decals. My sheet is used up soon...

Once again I used a lot of the FW decals. My sheet is used up soon…

And that's how a nice line of Vindicators looks like...

And that’s how a nice line of Vindicators looks like…

I definitely need a third one... just to have three.

I definitely need a third one… just to have three.