I am pretty sure you’ve all seen the marvelous board tiles my club mate Rekrom came up with recently for the new Deathwatch Overkill game. I am more than hot to test them with my own Space Marine. That’ll be just like Warhammer Quest where each club member / player will field one Deatchwatch Marine and Rekrom will be the Genestealer Host.
As I have a weak spot for Space Wolves in the 41st millennium I picked up Drenn Redblade as my choice immediately. Actually this is not really supposed to be the character Drenn Redblade. I prefer to call him Brandr Redblade as he is one of the Vlka Fenryka of Ragnar Blackmane’s Great Company. Therefore I did some light conversions on the miniature to let him fit in. Not much though but as I’ve never been a fan of the pompous haircuts the new Space Wolves line offers I had to cut his mohawk quite a bit. Usually I prefer the “Vikings in Space look” exclusively for my Fenrisian Marines but there is one exception. I always liked William King’s Space Wolf novels. There the youngsters had to cut their wild growing hair during their initiation while the older Marines were showing the traditional Fenrisian look again. That’s why the miniature’s sideburns had to go aswell. Also I changed the insignia on his knee and on his shoulder pad with the little help of green stuff to let them look like proper signs of Ragnar’s Great Company. I liked working on the miniature pretty much so that I even bought him a second time to convert him as a regular Blood Claw soon.