Following the success of the Space Wolves and Eldar doubles army list I wrote for the Greetings From The Warp tournament, I've been thinking about using the speed and synergy of these two top tier forces to create formidable army.

Wolf & Eldar 1750pts Army

Since the ITC has ruled that you can take an Elite Iron Priest and now the first draft of the Games Workshop Space Wolves FAQ also says that you can take an Elite Iron Priest, I'm taking an Elite Iron Priest!

After all, I need 2 Elite choices to run a Company of the Great Wolf.

Then my Thunderwolves will receive +1WS and my Characters get some nice buffs too!

I've chosen for the Wolf Guard Battle Leader to be the army's Warlord, because he's going to be in the thick of the fighting and the Space Wolves Warlord Traits in the Company of the Great Wolf are perfect for this.

Space Wolves: 950pts

Company of the Great Wolf Detachment (Champions of Fenris Supplement):

Wolf Guard Battle Leader: (Warlord)
Runic Armour, Krakenbone Sword, Storm Shield, Thunderwolf Mount

(Elite) Iron Priest:
Thunderwolf Mount, 4 Cyberwolves

5 Wulfen
Wulfen Pack Leader with Frost Claws, 2 Great Frost Axes, 2 Salvo Grenade Launchers, 2 Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield

3 Thunderwolf Cavalry:
3 Storm Shields, 1 Powerfist

3 Thunderwolf Cavalry:
3 Storm Shields, 1 Powerfist


I replaced the 5 man Blood Claws pack from my doubles list with the Wulfen pack as my second compulsory Elites choice.

I also swapped the Thunder Hammer on the Wolf Guard Battle Leader for the AP2 Krakenbone Sword.

This takes the 800pts army up to 950pts.

PS: If you wanted a nasty little 1,000pts army, you only need to add a Rune Priest to the Wulfen Pack. You'd just need to drop a Salvo Grenade Launcher and the Wulfen Pack Leader upgrade (and take a pair of Frost Claws instead) to balance the points.

Eldar: 800pts

Combined Arms Detachment:

Jetbike, Singing Spear, Spirit Stone of Anath'lan

3 Jetbikes:
3 Scatterlasers

3 Jetbikes:
3 Scatterlasers

Warp Hunter:

Wraith Knight:
2 Heavy D Cannons

This is the 800pts Eldar list from the doubles tournament. And it performed perfectly.

Okay, the Warp Hunter could have been better. But that was due to my lack of familiarity with the unit.


Before anyone cries "CHEESE!" because I'm fielding Thunderwolves, Wulfen, Jetbikes and a Wraith Knight, I just wanted to post this pic:

Now that's out of the way, let's talk about how this army plays.

Basically, I've built an army of tough, fast and hard hitting units, who can all take care of themselves and move freely.

Transports can be a liability. They also require you to think ahead in order to get your transport into position, disembark the troops within and use them effectively.

This army requires none of that micro management.

Everything is free to move far, shoot from afar with impressive firepower, or simply surge forward, absorb enemy fire and crash into close combat.

And so the Thunderwolves and Wulfen advance quickly with the aim of getting into close combat and take the brunt of the enemy's fire.

Meanwhile the Wraith Knight majestically advances behind, taking the centre of the field and blasting other Gargantuan creatures or Super Heavies with its twin Heavy D Cannons.

The Warp Hunter occupies an interesting role, by providing Strength D barrages to soften clustered formations (or strip hull points off tanks) from afar) or sweeping in for a close range kill with its Strength D Flamer template.

Finally, the Jetbikes scoot around at the back of the army, claiming objectives and supporting the advancing Wolves with shots from their Scatter Lasers.

The Farseer will never stray far from the Wraith Knight, who he will cast "Guide" on every single turn.

After all, those 2 Heavy D Cannons are far too important to miss with! My dice rolls are pretty atrocious at the best of times.

The Space Wolves make up for the Eldar's lack of durability and close combat potential. Meanwhile the Eldar make up for the Wolve's lack of long ranged firepower.

Best of all, it's rather fluffy and in keeping with the background of both armies. Eldar are all about the bikes. Wolves are all about the... well, the Wolves!

Anyway, considering the very slow rate at which Lee and I are building out armies, I may end up taking this to quite a few tournaments this year.

In the meantime, check out the battle reports from the Greetings From The Warp Doubles Tournament.

We had a blast playing this army.