I'm having another clear out of stuff that's been sitting in cupboards or bookshelves, so let me know if you're interested in any of it either in the comments section or email me and make an offer.

Tyranid psychic cards

10 Hormagaunts

10 Hormagaunts

10 Termagants

Bag of out of production metal eldar - war walker, striking scoprions, banshees, and a few others

Job lot of space marines - there's some resin and metals in there, and quite a bit of Astral Claws stuff.

Job lot of Space Wolves including terminators, long fangs, and some custom thunderwolf riders

11 Necromunda Goliaths from the original boxset.

10 Space Wolves Grey Hunters/Blood Claws/Wolf Guard - I've got two of these sprues

KR Multicase with a mixture of pre-cut troop foam and pick-and-pluck foam

Couple of dice cubes - just pay for the postage

Some old Codex and some Forgeworld Books.