Second post right in the ocular receptors! Build Night took a break once the really bad karaoke died down (or someone was strangled, you never know- Bowie, Elvis and MJ were among the casualties) and turned into Build Day, where a one Mr. Warlock Got Shit Done. I’m also going for the old one-two approach for eroding your sanity, as according to random chaos marines in Dawn of War, Sanity is for the weak! I’m inclined to agree with him. Putting it out there: In 40k, I’m a loyalist. In WHFB, chaos all the way as Archaon also Gets Shit Done. He’s a real role model.

One's capability to accoplish faces is not inconsequential.

Welcome to the Alt text.

The initial plan was to assemble the rest of my Dark Debts crew box (essentially a giant metaphor for the opium wars inc the one in 1967) and get my C. Hoffman crew assembled complete with Hoffman’s avatar/Brutal Emissary but….Tara. Her hiring pool currently is limited to 3  death marshals, 3 guild autopsies, Karina, 3 void wretches, Aionus and the (didn’t see) nothing beast.


Death marshals are neat in that they have alt heads normal or g-g-g-ghost rider!

I’m not sure what to add to her from the Outcast faction as Tara is rather limited thematically, though Johan and Hans would be decent additions as they’re quite good outcast models. In the future I might look into getting the Victorias, though if I’m honest I’d be more in it for the ronin. They’re excellent utility models that can seppuku if y’know, you disgrace your clan/faction.

Oro? Oro.

Awesome manga series

Moving on, terrain is a big deal in Malifaux as charge lanes can be disrupted, certain models can focus to increase gun range to 36″ (whole board) and it generally makes things cooler while blocking line of sight. Cue pictures of shitty terrain:

IMG_0786 IMG_0787

Made from foam-board, hirst arts, balsa wood and broken dreams. I approached these with no plan and they turned alright, for shitty terrain objects anyway. The first is a patchwork house to go with the forest scatter terrain I made a while back and is inhabited by either gremlins or is a constant target of neverborn attacks.

The second is possibly a storehouse or a place for filthy ressers to be filthy in. There aren’t windows on either as I’m a warlock damnit, not some constructing architect person. On the plus side, they’ll be ready for tonight’s game. Woo!

All in all, twas a productive weekend.

-The Warlock, who thinks your eyes should stop bleeding in one or two days.

The post Getting Shit Done: Build Day! appeared first on House of Paincakes.