Its a Mantic kind of day.  I'm trying to clear the stuff that is currently on the table while I begin preparing to move at the end of next month.

I started this guy a while back when my wife, my nephew, and myself went on a Dwarf jag!  This is the first of the Mantic Abyssal Dwarfs that I painted as a result of my participation in the Kings of War 2 ed. Kickstarter.

The model is huge and based on Mantic's Dragon.  It uses the plastic body and wings of that model and marrys it to a huge metal head/saddle/Ironcaster.  It's a good thing the base is so large as the model is tres top heavy!
 The model was painted in sub assemblies, sprayed black and brushed up with basic colors then washed and highlighted.  The saddle area got some patterning that was buried under a few layers of red glaze.

The Ironcaster himself has filed teeth and looks to be wearing clothes made out of large bits of material roughly stitched together.  A very... evil cannibal... kinda vibe. I elected to treat it as the tanned hides of fallen foes... possibly used in the process by which the Greater Abyssal, which is a denizen of The Pit and not actually related to Dragons, was bound to the Ironcaster's service.
 The Model will also Serve in my WHFB Chaos Dwarf army... which exists in my collection mainly as an allied contingent from 3 ed... I've been collecting for a bit and will update to the Tamurkhan list using an appropriately heretical mix of Mantic and GW models.

I still have not made the transition to Age of Sigmar... and I may not for mass Fantasy Battles.  I understand its a good, fun, game but its not Warhammer as I know it so instead of leaping directly into something Nothammer from GW I'm looking at a lot of different rule sets.  So far I've investigated Kings of War, 9th Age, Shieldwolf, and Warthrone to fill that Mass Fantasy Battle slot.  Of that group, so far, I prefer 9th Age and Kings of War.  Warthrone seems a bit twitchy with leadership and Shieldwolf isn't as far along in development as the rest. It's also entirely possible that I'll just fall back into a modified WHFB 3 ed. updated with the models and some the rules improvements of the later editions.