After quite some Heavy Metal in form of tanks and a flyer, I managed to paint up some more Assault Marines for my Word Bearers. With these new guys my first squad ist ready for action. So far I didn’t integrate any “swappable” options for weapons and the likes, but it will be in the next update. As you can guess from the title, I aim for two squads with 15 marines each (that’s why it’s “squad 1, 2/3” i.e. two third of my squad is done.

So the next update will be magnets galore and the next squad will be a different chapter of the Word Bearers Legion.

The Sergeant and the remaining four Assault Marines for my first complete squad.

The Sergeant and the remaining four Assault Marines for my first complete squad.

Of course the guys are from the Chapter of the Unspeaking like the rest.

Of course the guys are from the Chapter of the Unspeaking like the rest.

Grean Warp Flames again...

Grean Warp Flames again…

And a group picture of the first finished Assault Squad for my Work Bearers.

And a group picture of the first finished Assault Squad for my Work Bearers.