So, my pledge for Prodos Games Alien v Predator: The Hunt Begins recently arrived. Despite all the delay, breaking open the package? It was worth it. The models are cast in resin, and show incredible detail. As soon as I had them in hand, I knew that I wanted to paint them up and base them on some starship deck plating.

The Aliens presented an interesting painting opportunity, as they have a limited colour palette, but looked as though they should also be a fairly fast job which I could fit in between commission pieces...

They painted up very quickly. I went with a black base, dry brushed several layers of grey with a mid-blue tone as well, then another dry brush of light grey.

Easy as the models were tho paint, they were very hard to photograph! All the dark tones created a camera challenge, but these shots should give you the basic idea.

The heads were picked out with black again. I then sealed the whole model with satin varnish, and added a gloss varnish to the heads.

Whilst not always seen in the movies and games, I painted the claws and teeth with an off-white paint. This helped give some definition and I think it helps to break up all the black on these models.

The bases were something I really wanted to do. They are from The Outpost, and I was really impressed both by their service and the quality of their bases. The casting is crisp and clean, and they have enough detail to be interesting whilst not so much that they detract from the model. I went with some brighter colours on the bases, to add interest.

Several Aliens have hazard striping on the bases, all grunged up.

One of my favourites! The tails are quite thin, but can be warmed up with hot water then reposed.

These are going to be a nightmare to store, but they're worth it! I have several other Alien miniatures to paint from this Kickstarter, and will probably get to those later this year.