A quick post as I'm madly getting things together for the impending move...

Two of the metal version of LT Parker from Raging Heroes TGG 1.

This was a very popular sculpt and has great imagery for a small unit champion/commander.  We see her carrying the ubiquitous ZoT! Energy Drink, both in hand and couple of cans spilling out of her pack,  sporting some official ZoT! Sun Shades, and smoking A Lucky ZoT! Glow Stick!  She is ready for action!
I've done her as Basic LT Parker in Olive, Brown and Ivory and as Veteran LT Parker in Prison Pride colors.  The kit comes with an alternate arm which I've used in the Veteran version.  It looks like a power glove of some sort but could also pass for a target designation device.

Due to my general incompetence as a photographer the rear view picture came out in this crazy low res that reminded me really strongly of the Borderlands art style... I may have to investigate that further, I mean the Jailbirds are already towing some Claptraps around! Making Lemonade!

Olives were worked up from Reaper Olive Triad and Secret Weapon Sewer Water, Ivory from P3 Menoth White Base, and Menoth White Highlight,  Prison Orange was Vallejo Scabrous Brown washed over white primer, washed with Secret weapon Orange and Secret Weapon Yellow Snow.  Anime blue hair was Reaper Nightmare Black washed over white Primer, highlighted with Vallejo Sky Blue and washed over with Secret Weapon Sapphire.  Anime pink hair was Reaper Brains Pink washed over with Secret Weapon Ruby.  ZoT! signature green was old Citadel Glistening Green washed over with Secret Weapon Sewer Water.

Hopefully I'll get some Reaper Bones up a bit later this week.  Then I'm hoping to get Space Papess Arthemesia VI, some scatter, and a pile of movement trays up before the pack out.