Hi all,

wow, almost there :)
Amazing feeling to see this project on it's final stretch.

So here's the ATHENA reception party.
Unfortunately the Praetorian from Lord Gordon's 20th Praetorians has to wear Dencara Blues, as I have lost the color scheme.
Also I rearranged my hobby room to give the ATHENA a new home.
She now sits on a separate shelf about 150cm long and 60cm wide, with the landscape canvas as background and it is at standard desk height (90cm I think) so you can look at it from top without problems.
It is also furthest away from the windows, so it won't be bombarded by UV any more - the plastic card is already old and pretty brittle.

I pinned the characters in their final position.
And this is the final batch of figures to paint.
I did some minor changes last night.
The "painters" received paint tanks and connecting hoses, and received orange coveralls - they are on disciplinary detail after all.
I hope I can wrap it all up over the weekend :)