Another Wave Serpent this week, for the Eldar commission I'm working on.

This was painted in the same pattern as the previous Wave Serpent, but I rearranged some of the colours after discussion with my client. We both felt that there was too much blue on the outer hull, so the colour was shifted to the pilot's cabin instead.

I think that this works much better. The bone colouring on the hull is such a nice tone that it's a shame to limit it... The staining and water marks around the gems also work much better on bone, as opposed to the blue hull sections.

Barring some minor refinements to the process, the rest of the model is basically done in the same scheme as the last Serpent. With large commissions like this I always find that I start to adopt a pattern with the same model. I have four of these tanks to build and paint overall, as well as two more Eldar vehicles.

This view also shows the removeable guns and cockpit canopy.

A close up of the cockpit and pilot:

A shot of the tank's rear section:

Next up will be another Wave Serpent. I'm hitting a bit of a rhythm with these vehicles now.