My long, neglected display cabinet. It is beginning to burst at the seams!!
We have had some excellent news this week. The long, arduous process of moving house has come to a head and we have exchanged contracts. We should be moving on the 25th July! I cannot begin to articulate how difficult a journey this was for us, but my wife and I are very pleased that it is now all over.

Only one challenge remains. The physical operation of packing up and moving every object from our home of seven years and transporting the lot miles down the road. Of course, the hardest parts will be carried out by the removals men. We have opted for a full house pack up ( basically, big burly men will be wrapping and packing all of our possession) and move - with the same big, burly men loading everything into a lorry.

But letting them loose on my miniature collection is just not going to happen. And there lies my problem. How do you safely and easily wrap, protect and transport over three hundred vintage Citadel miniatures?

Have any of you dear readers ever carried out such an operation? If so, how did you accomplish the task? As you will have seen from my photographs, most of my collection comprises of single cast models with a few larger pieces thrown in.

Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated!!!

