In the Battle for Vedros box set there's a multi-melta dreadnought who doesn't have a multi-melta in the rules.  For shooting, there's only a storm bolter, which is on the other power fist.  But in any case, I was ready to paint this guy up.  I already have two, Brothers Naismith and Phogallen, but I wanted this one to look differently than Phogallen, who is also a multi-melta dread.  So Brother Chamberlain has a lot more battle damage, dirt, and rust on him, including a claw mark likely from some run-in with tyranids.

And with this miniature completed, I'm getting closer to my painting total for 2014.  Once I make that, it is a lot harder to catch up to the 2013.  In 2013 I was painting up tons of Vikings and ACW figures which made for an impressive haul.  I'm not sure if I can match it with 40K figures, although in 2011 and 2012 I painted quite a few Brazen Claws to two of my highest years ever.