After some days I wasn’t so very happy with the first Tzaangor’s paintjob anymore. So I dropped the whole Silver Tower stuff and continued on other projects. A few days ago I came up with another idea for an alternate colour scheme and tested it immediately. I think I like the new “Chaos Chicken” version much more. If that’s still consent after some time has passed I might paint the rest of the Beastmen in that scheme.

Another try to find a suitable colour scheme for my Beastmen of Tzeentch. This time it's a more classic look. Apparent resemblance to poultry are just a coincidence.

Another try to find a suitable colour scheme for my Beastmen of Tzeentch. This time it’s a more classic look. Apparent resemblance to poultry are just a coincidence.

First and second try on one picture.

First and second try on one picture.

Next to some regular Beastmen.

Next to some regular Beastmen.